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Job Searching

Should life skills be taught in school?

Absolutely yes!

During a child’s education they are taught that in order to get the job/ career they want, they have to work hard and gain good grades to enable them to get to University and gain the job of their dreams.

They learn to read and write, they learn about Science, Math’s, Sports, and History, and of course all of the education system is important, however, what life skills in regard to the working world are they taught?

In the recruitment industry we see first hand how many people new to the working world do not know how to job hunt effectively, how to sell themselves through a good CV, and how to interview well!

Job hunting –
Not all students that leave school want to go to college, and even if they do go to college, they want a part time job to support their studies. How many of them know where to start when Job Searching?

Money Management –
Paying bills/ calculating taxes/ mortgage rates / credit score! How many of us have used Pythagoras’ theorem since leaving school?

Surely Maths would be better served teaching students how to manage their finances, how to calculate taxes, and how to ensure they do not get into any unnecessary debt.

Interview Skills –
In the recruitment Industry one thing we come across, especially those fresh out of school/ college, they do not know how to interview!! In today’s competitive market, surely teaching a student how to interview well by providing them with knowledge of good interviewing techniques, such as, effective communication, researching the company before they interview, a good handshake, all puts them in good stead to get the job that they want.

I hope one day the Education system sees not just the importance of a good grade on a piece of paper but how important it is to set our children up for a successful future in whatever their chosen career may be, by encouraging them to:

  • Set Goals
  • Get organised.
  • Communicate effectively and openly.
  • It’s ok to make mistakes but learn from them.
  • That hobbies and social lives are important.
  • To be confident and get involved, never shy away from an opportunity.
  • The importance of eating, exercising, and sleeping
  • And the most important one – to have FUN – life isn’t meant to be boring, enjoy the little things and enjoy every moment, and don’t forget to Smile!

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