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Beer Day Britain – Cheers to Beer

Today is Beer Day Britain – June 15th, 2023. Beer is arguably the oldest alcoholic drink and an absolute favourite not just in Britain but worldwide.

Beer is made by a brewing process which requires fermenting cereal and water with yeast. Did you know, Beer is around 90-95% Water? Water is used in every step of the brewing process, it is used for cleaning, cooling, and packaging. Water is considered by many brewers to be the most important ingredient in beer, as the type of water also imparts other characteristics that give the beer its distinct taste.

Brewers have pledged that they will try to reduce the amount of Water used as currently it can take up to 60 litres of Water to produce 1 litre of beer. Saving Water where we can, is so important!!

Founders of Beer Day had 3 reasons they declared for starting the day:

  • Gather with friends and enjoy the taste of beer.
  • Celebrate those responsible for brewing and serving the beer.
  • To unite the world under the banner of beer by celebrating the beers of all nations together on one single day.
  • This specific date was chosen for Beer Day Britain because the Magna Carta was sealed on this date way back in 1215. In it, article 35 states ‘Let there be throughout our kingdom a single measure for wine and a single measure for ale and a single measure for corn, namely the London quarter’ – proof that ale was just as important back then as it is today!

    So put aside your work, set aside differences and come together to celebrate our shared love of beer. Whatever your favourite pint is raise a glass and enjoy!!

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